Inciting Incident Read
Feedback on your opening pages.
Service Description
Advancing past the first round of many contests and fellowships comes down to how enticing your script's first 10 pages are. If you're curious to see how your script may fare before you send it out, look no further than this Inciting Incident Read service! Mic will read up to your story's inciting incident (or through the first 15 pages -- whichever comes sooner), and provide you with 1 - 3 paragraphs of feedback on your material. Why up to the inciting incident? Typically the inciting incident will occur within the first 10 - 15 pages of a feature, which is why these contests and fellowships ask for writers to submit just their first few pages for round one. If your concept and writing is strong enough to hold the reader's interest, you're likely to advance to the