Killing Your Darlings
Sometimes a story WANT can seem like a story NEED, and vice versa! Using this revision tactic will help you determine which is which.
Posts about general writing advice, industry observations, and more!
Killing Your Darlings
What Your Logline Says About Your Script
How to Write With the Screen in Mind (part 3 - character and scene descriptions)
How to Write With the Screen in Mind (part 2 - parentheticals)
How to Make Targeted and Smart Revisions
From Idea to First Draft in 5 Days
Writing Effective Action Description (Part II)
Get To The Point! (Writing Effective Action Description)
The Highs and Lows of Act 2 (+ what Puss In Boots 2 did right)
The Only 5 Plot Points Your Story Needs (and where they should occur)
Why You Hate Story Structure